The Student Worktext


When it comes to providing curriculum for learners, Short, Short, BIG! adheres to the three truisms of working with modern-day students:

  1. If you win the heart, the mind will follow.

  2. A learner must believe they can succeed with the work.

  3. Clarity is critical for student success.

Short, BIG! meets students where they are to help them master the fundamentals of writing. This research-proven pathway builds their core skills, and then builds upon those further in an articulated, scaffolding scope and sequence.

No more writing the same comments over and over. Support your learners as they develop the automaticity of writing.


The Student Worktexts

  • 160 pages

  • perfect bound

  • consumable (so students can write inside their materials)

  • a “mapped” journey that lays out a pathway of incremental advancement  

  • engaging exemplar texts (i.e. Short Reads) 

  • SQ3R reading comprehension strategies

  • color-coded content area writing

  • direct instruction on the proper citation of evidence

  • engrossing infographics

  • scores of dynamic, interesting writing prompts

  • student checklists (for punctuation, evidence, grammar and so on…)

  • model sentence starters

  • tips on reading as a writer and writing for the reader

  • embedded assessment

  • portfolio creation

  • standards-based lessons that elevates reading, writing, speaking and listening